
what is insurance | insurance definition

What is insurance


   The possibility of damage or calamity occurring is a permanent threat that has always loomed over every human being, for which reason we are constantly at risk of something bad happening to us, understanding said danger as a future and the uncertain event of a harmful nature.

In this way we can cite, among other current risks, the risks of fire, theft, accidents, diseases, civil liability, disability, loss of organs, and death, even when the latter case is From a fatal event, the risk lies in the possible premature death of a person on whom another or others depend who, due to the death, is left helpless.

When the risk is realized it becomes sinister; In other words, the claim is the realization of the risk or eventuality referred to in the insurance.



                        The life of human beings develop, therefore, in a permanent scenario of risk or set of risks both in the physical, as in the psychological and cultural aspects.

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