
accident insurance accident insurance policies

 Risks excluded

                         Risks excluded
            While the very definition of the accident is sufficiently expressive, the insurance coverage framework should be better defined. For this reason, accident insurance policies generally include an excluded risk ratio. Among them, we can cite, following José Luis Barcenas (1):                                               

    > The practice of sports not expressly included in the policy, such as mountaineering, sledding, speleology, diving with the use of breathing apparatus, aerial sports, boxing, wrestling. Some of them, however, can be included with the corresponding surcharge.


    > Participation in races and competitions, as well as corresponding tests and training but also they can be included with premiums.     

    > Those that occurred due to the insured's violation of laws and regulations. This exclusion is not applicable in accidents related to the movement of vehicles or pedestrians or when the violation is due to a simple fact custom, habit, or general necessity in ordinary life and not too reckless negligence of the insured.                                   

    > Those who have their cause in provocations, fights, duels or fighting, recklessness, or gross negligence.

    > Those who suffered in a state of intoxication and mental derangement.

    > Those caused by wars, popular riots, earthquakes, floods and volcanic eruptions.

    > Hernias, strains in general and the consequences of Surgical interventions not motivated by an accident.

    > Those due to the effects of thermal influences (heat or cold), unless it is shown that the insured has not been able to be absent due to an accident compensable according to the policy.


    > Infections that are not directly caused by accident compensable. Those derived from the use and driving of motorcycles, except Agreement to the contrary and payment of the corresponding extra premium.                                        

    > Those derived from the use and driving of motorcycles, except Agreement to the contrary and payment of the corresponding extra premium.

    > Those caused intentionally by the insured

    > Those are caused maliciously by the beneficiary since he cannot benefit from a criminal act.

    > In this case, according to the Insurance Contract Law, the Compensation will correspond to the policyholder or, where appropriate, to the heirs of it.

  > Diseases of any nature.

  > The suicide or attempted suicide of the insured.

   > Those derived directly or indirectly from the transmutation of the atomic nucleus, as well as from radiation caused by the artificial acceleration of atomic particles.


  >  People affected by diseases such as stroke, epilepsy, mental illnesses, blindness, alcoholism, and in general other serious illnesses are excluded from the insurance guarantees, as well as those who suffer physical defects or significant mutilations, except for special agreement and payment of the corresponding premium.

       > Accidents that must be compensated by the Insurance Compensation Consortium, caused by causes of an extraordinary nature.


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