
Personal Accident Insurance what is accident insurance


Personal Accident Insurance;

personal accident insurance
personal accident insurance

                                                                 Insurance defines the accident as "the bodily injury that derives from a violent, sudden, external cause and beyond the intention of the insured that produces temporary or permanent disability or death".

               The purpose of the accident insurance is to cover the beneficiary of economic eventualities that may cause an accident that occurred to the insured.

                The insurance contract guarantees the insured or his heirs the Payment of the agreed compensation in the event of an involuntary accident, which causes death, total or partial permanent disability, temporary disability, as well as payment of the expenses incurred for health care, necessary for the insured person to heal. 

                 Accident insurance repairs the consequences derived from the lack of the person or persons who bear the economic burden of a family (death guarantee), from a permanent disability that decreases or prevents income and increases expenses (permanent disability guarantee), of the temporary disability that prevents the injured person from carrying out their work until recovery (guarantee of temporary disability) and, finally, of the cost of health care is required to cure the injured person (guarantee of health care).

                 The insurance benefits are those agreed in each case, normally a capital in case of death or permanent disability, or a daily economic benefit in case of temporary disability, while this lasts.

                  They are therefore subjectively determined quantities in the contract, regardless of its sufficiency or not to repair the real economic damage caused.

                   In this sense, accident insurance benefits do not have an Indemnification character, except for health care that does have this character because the company will satisfy what is necessary for the repair of the situation of damage to the person, which has actually occurred.      


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