
Scope of insurance | professional or extra-professional



scope of insurance
scope of insurance

                                               Accident insurance can be taken out to cover risks professional or extra-professional. In this way, the scope of insurance can be reduced to accidents that may occur in the course of professional activity, or to those that occur at times of the day dedicated to private life, both cases can also be covered jointly.

                      This difference between professional and extra-professional fields has its cause in the existence, within the public system of Social Security of the insurance of accidents of the work, whose coverage is obligatory;

                                                                         With which the private accident insurance can be contracted with different amounts of compensation in the professional field (thus complementing the public insurance) and the private one.

                           A professional the accident is understood to be one who suffered in the performance of their work by the insured, including on trips and commuting, being able to include in this concept accidents in itinere, that is to say, those suffered on the way to and from work.

                              In contrast, the extra-professional accident is understood that suffered in private life, excluding any activity professional, even on the go.

                              However, the needs of each case may require other Specific areas of coverage, such as holding a congress, a sports competition, taking a trip, belonging to a club or association, and, in general, all those situations that determine in some way the possibility of suffering an accident.

                               Special mention deserves traffic accidents such as pedestrian, the use of public transport and driver or passenger of Tourist cars and bicycles, which may be subject to independent or complementary coverage, adding in this second case a capital equal to that subscribed in case of death to the normal compensation for an accident in case of death or total, permanent and definitive disability, with that compensation in these cases are made for twice the insured capital.

                              Regarding the territorial scope of the insurance, that is, the one in which the accident is covered, it may be limited to the national territory of the country in which it is contracted or has broader coverage.

                        Entities normally offer worldwide coverage, although with some exceptions that refer to the guarantees of temporary disability and the reimbursement of health care expenses. In the latter case, on many occasions, the guarantee is suspended during the long periods of stay of the insured abroad.



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